Tuesday, March 13, 2012

New Poll Shows Left-Wing Efforts to Fabricate “War on Women” May Lose Obama the White House

By Thomas Peters
American Papist

Left-wing, anti-Catholic, pro-abortion types must have been really patting themselves on the back before these new poll numbers came out yesterday and today.

“We did it!” they must have been saying to themselves: “We turned our assault on religious liberty into a ‘war on women’ and got everyone distracted with Ms. Fluke and Rish Limbaugh’s description of her!”

Well, not so fast, according to the New York Times:
“… Mr. Obama’s approval rating dropped substantially in recent weeks, the poll found, with 41 percent of respondents expressing approval of the job he is doing and 47 percent saying they disapprove — a dangerous position for any incumbent seeking re-election…
…[Obama] maintained much of the advantage he had built in the last year among important constituencies, including women, although he lost some support among women over the past month, even as the debate raged over birth control insurance coverage.”
Wait, what’s that you say, Grey Lady? Obama lost support among women “even” as the mandate debate raged? Don’t you mean because the mandate debate raged?

As Shannen Coffin points out, the New York Times is so embarrassed by the results of its own poll that they were forced to explain them away.

What the New York Times also failed to mention is how their poll shows that Americans dramatically oppose the mandate – by a 21% margin:

And, as you see from the language used in the poll, this only asked respondents about “birth control” — not what the mandate actually covers: contraception, sterilization and abortion causing drugs. When the question has been phrased this way by other pollsters in the past, far more Americans oppose the mandate.
Dana Loesch writes insightfully about what why this “war on women” has backfired:
“…Many women see as a greater threat to their freedom the administration’s insistence that employers — many of whom are also female — compromise their religious beliefs to provide for the contraceptive choices made freely by other women, women who can empower themselves by paying for their choices themselves. It’s not “feminist” to demand that another woman carry the yoke of your free choices…
… There’s no need to purposefully victimize women for the sake of using them as pawns in an election. That itself is an act of war on women.”
No kidding.

A final point: as Matt Lewis notes, the left-wing has largely been successful at framing this mandate as a women’s health issue as opposed to a religious freedom issue — that’s where we come in. It’s up to us to continue making the case and showing why this is a religious liberty issue. Among Americans who acknowledge that religious liberty is at stake, we win by even wider margins.

So, like I said yesterday, keep it up!!

And to the left-wing forces who continue to push for victory on this issue, I say: “Good luck!” You may just lose Barack Obama a second term in the White House and help us unmask your anti-woman and anti-religion agenda for what it truly is: a lie.

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