From the Home School Legal Defense Association:
We have previously urged you to call the U.S. Senate to support Amendment No. 1520, the Respect for Rights of Conscience Act, by Senator Roy Blunt (MO). This amendment to the Senate’s Transportation Bill would protect religious freedom and conscience rights, and would ensure that employers are not forced by the federal government to violate their religious beliefs or conscience as a result of the recent Obama Administration mandate requiring all employers to give employees free birth control and abortion-inducing drugs.
The Senate will vote on Amendment No. 1520 tomorrow, Thursday, March 1. The vote is expected to be extremely close.
Please immediately call (because of the short time, phone calls, not emails, are best) your two U.S. senators and urge them to support this crucial amendment. You can reach the Capitol Switchboard (and ask to be transferred to your senators’ offices) at 202-224-3121 or use HSLDA’s Congressional Directory to enter your ZIP code and find your senators’ phone numbers.
Your message can be as simple as the following:
“Please support Senator Blunt’s Amendment No. 1520, the Respect for Rights of Conscience Act, which will overturn President Obama’s contraceptives mandate requiring employers to violate their conscience and religious beliefs. To protect the sanctity of the First Amendment and the right of conscience upon which our nation was founded, the U.S. Senate must act to preserve the freedom of employers to follow the dictates of their conscience.”
Thank you for standing with us for freedom.
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